2 Essential Sustainable Bath Products for an Eco-Friendly Revolution

Bathing is one of the most important daily rituals for humans, and introducing sustainable bath products into this habit can greatly impact the eco-friendly movement. Most of the bath products available off the shelf in the market frequently include hazardous chemicals that negatively impact our health and the environment. By moving to sustainable products, we may lessen our environmental impact and contribute to a healthy planet. Sustainable bath products manufactured from natural and eco-friendly components are gaining popularity as people become more aware of their environmental obligations. Embracing these items is more than simply a trend; it is a critical step toward a more sustainable and ecologically conscientious lifestyle.

Sustainable Bath Product- Toilet Paper & Tooth Brush

From the minute we wake up until we leave the house, we utilize a variety of goods in our daily routines. Toilet paper, toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash, shaving cream, shaving brushes, aftershave, cleansers, face wash, body wash, body cream, shampoo, and conditioner are among the fundamental necessities. The list goes on and on.

With a current worldwide population of more than 8 billion people and growing at an alarming rate, it’s simple to fathom how many chemicals we’re releasing into the environment every day. This poisoning is wreaking havoc on nature and has started hurting us. Whales are showing up dead with plastic in their stomachs, and microplastics may be discovered anywhere in the world, hurting even the smallest aquatic species.

If just 20% of the population began using sustainable bath goods like eco-friendly toilet paper and bamboo toothbrushes, the positive impact on the environment would be enormous. These little modifications can help to lower the chemical burden on our planet and contribute to a healthier, more sustainable future for everyone.

In this post, i would request everyone to change just 2 products used on daily basis to sustainable bath products which are almost the same cost and are easily replaceable.

Bamboo Toilet Paper

I don’t think anyone requires an explanation for this crucial itemβ€”the first thing most of us seek when we get up: toilet paper 😊. Until about six years ago, I used to use standard toilet paper without any consideration. Then it occurred to me that this seemingly innocuous product required a substantial amount of clean water and chemicals to achieve its immaculate white appearance and what do we do with it? We use it to clean ourselves, and then it ends up in the trash.

Sustainable Bath Products – Bamboo Toilet Paper

Realizing this was a wake-up call. It made me wonder why we couldn’t use a more environmentally friendly option, such as non-bleached toilet paper made of bamboo. Bamboo is a sustainable resource, and adopting it might significantly lessen the environmental impact of ordinary toilet paper. This insight prompted me to seek out better solutions.

After some study, I located this fantastic product that met the criteria. These bamboo-based, non-bleached toilet paper not only suit my needs but also reflect my commitment to sustainability. Making the transition to these items was a simple step that had a significant impact on lowering my environmental footprint. If more individuals participate, we can make a major difference. This is almost free from plastic mainly in packaging and come wrapped in bamboo-made box which is again eco-friendly and sustainable.

Sustainable Bath Product – Bamboo Toilet Paper
Premium Bamboo Toilet Paper, PFAS Free, Unbleached, (24) 3PLY & 300 Sheets
  • Entirely made from Bamboo, it’s also chemical-free and unbleached.
  • Quite soft and feels no different than other toilet paper, actually I find it a bit softer and water absorbent.
  • Comes in plastic-free packaging.
  • Pretty Cost effective and cost only 0.59$ for 100 sheets.

If you would like to know more about Sustainable living, please feel free to check out my post “Baby Steps to Embrace Sustainable Living for a Brighter Future – To Begin just Replace 2 Items”.

Bamboo ToothBrushes

With a global population of over 8 billion, even if we conservatively estimate that 6 billion people use a toothbrush every day and replace it every six months (though some change theirs every two months and the American Dental Association recommends replacing it every three months), approximately 2.5 billion plastic toothbrushes end up in oceans or landfills each year. This astonishing figure reveals a major environmental concern. Plastic toothbrushes take over 1,000 years to degrade, so the first toothbrush ever created is still out there, destroying our world.

Sustainable Bath Products – Bamboo Toothbrush

The impact of just single plastic object is enormous. When I understood how bad plastic toothbrushes were for the environment, I knew I had to take action. While I couldn’t simply stop cleaning my teeth or expect my family and friends to do so, I needed to find an alternative. After some research, I discovered bamboo toothbrushes.

Seven or eight years ago, bamboo toothbrushes were only available in one color, making it difficult to persuade my family to convert from plastic. However, times have changed. Bamboo toothbrushes have become more affordable, and sets of ten in five different colors are now available, making them ideal for families. As a family of five, we enjoy the variety. Each of us can chose our favorites.

Sustainable Bath Products – Bamboo Toothbrush

I am not claiming that bamboo toothbrushes are completely waste-free, but they are currently the best option for sustainable living. I cut the head of my brush and put the bristles in the bin, while the rest goes into my pots. If I dig up my pots, I’m sure I’ll find a few toothbrushes buried there. Several of these have already been composed throughout the years, as it takes nearly a year for it to entirely dissolve into mud. But it works, and it makes me very happy to see less and less plastic waste coming from my home. I know I can’t do it all alone, but every step counts, so I began using bamboo toothbrushes a few years ago and gradually persuaded family and a few friends to make the switch.

Switching to bamboo toothbrushes is a tiny but significant step toward reducing plastic waste. If more families make this change, we can all make a big difference for the environment.

I have been using bamboo toothbrushes for almost 8 years and some time back started buying from Amazon β€œEco-Friendly Bamboo Toothbrush, 10Pack Medium Firm Bristles Biodegradable Bulk Wooden Toothbrushesβ€œ.

Sustainable Bath Product – Bamboo Toothbrush

Why Choose Bamboo and Unbleached Products

Switching to plant-based replacements is a start in the right direction, but evaluating the manufacturing process is critical. Take toilet paper, for example: while it is traditionally derived from trees, most of companies bleach it to achieve a pristine white finish. We don’t have to be environmental experts to grasp the dangers of bleach. Even in first-world countries, wastewater treatment requires a large quantity of electricity and clean water. Consider the consequences in distant locations or impoverished countries, where untreated bleached chemicals frequently wind up in streams and landfills, inflicting significant damage to the ecosystem and life beneath the water.

I think, almost all the kids are taught about global warming, deforestation, and loss of natural habitat in schools nowadays. If we can add on to this and do the things at home to use this knowledge, I am sure we can save this earth and us too.

Kids are my hope for future and its our responsibility to take them to the right direction. As my mother used to say, kids don’t hear, they see. They will do exactly what you do not what you say. So i think doing the right thing is what we need to do for our kids future.

Bamboo’s rapid growth (5 years) is way faster than most trees and has the fastest biodegradation capacity. These properties make Bamboo as one of the most sustainable building materials. At the same time, bamboo has a high capacity to absorb carbon dioxide, which makes it and any products made from it an ally in mitigating the effects of global warming. Also Bamboo needs must lesser space to grow so it also reduces deforestation. So all together, Bamboo makes a sustainable choice over any other material products.

If I can persuade even a few of you to use bamboo unbleached toilet paper and bamboo toothbrushes, I’ll consider this blog article a success. Your support for these sustainable solutions will have a huge impact. By purchasing eco-friendly products, we can all help to conserve the world and ensure a healthy future for future generations. Let us take this modest but important step together.

You can read our other posts here.

Sustainable Bath Products