Powerful Daily Green Habits I Adopted for an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle – Series 1

Welcome to my latest blog post! Here, I’ll share my personal experiences and a mix of tried-and-tested Daily Green Habits —both the successes and failures 😊. After having two kids, I had a wake-up call when I glanced at my waste basket just before tossing it into the bin. The amount of plastic waste I … Read more

Top 10 Blissful Natural Skincare- Face Mask Recipes for Glowing Skin

Welcome to part three of the Vegan / Plant-based / natural skincare series. In part one, we discussed the why and what of plant-based skincare and also covered the basic steps of skincare. You can read “Powerful Vegan Skincare Secrets to Transform Your Skin”. In Part Two, we discussed the natural recipes for plant-based toners … Read more

Amazing Benefits of Plant-Based Skincare for Glowing Skin

Welcome to part two of the Vegan / Plant-based skincare series. In part one, we discussed the why and what of plant-based skincare and also covered the basic steps of skincare. You can read “Powerful Vegan Skincare Secrets to Transform Your Skin”. Let me summarize it again the main reasons. One of the main reason … Read more

Powerful Vegan Skincare Secrets to Transform Your Skin

Welcome to the world of vegan skincare, where beauty and compassion meet. Now more and more individuals are becoming aware of the use of animals in the cosmetic field and feeling the pain, this is causing a significant shift towards vegan skincare. Vegan skincare products don’t use animals or any of their derived ingredients and … Read more

3 Powerful Solutions for Periods: Zero Waste Menstrual Products for Sustainable Living

Zero Waste Menstrual Product

Zero Waste menstrual Products are critical for minimizing the environmental impact of menstruation hygiene. Most females begin their periods at the age of 12 and continue to menstruate monthly for the next 40-45 years. Every month, millions of women use disposable sanitary pads or tampons, which are frequently constructed of non-biodegradable materials and can take … Read more